Thursday 12 May 2016

remote AIS receiver/repeater - part 9 - more power measurements

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I have moved the dAISy to being powered via the 5v pad direct from Vbat (3.7-4.2V) since the power consumption is (perversely) much lower at 5V than 3V

I have changed the threshold for the microcontroller to send everything to sleep up to 3.6V.

Total system current now idles at 38mA @ 4V which is a great improvement.

The Teensy is drawing around 19mA at 4V. This will be the next target for power optimisation.

There may be a way of putting the teensy into micro sleeps - if we can profile the AIS traffic in an area and perhaps predict from the protocol timing if we can sleep at a given moment by sacrificing position update frequency for high-data-rate vessels for example, that would be an OK tradeoff

There is an odd anomaly with the dAISy when powering via 3.3V pad vs 5V pad - configuring the dAISy to output at 9600 baud is ignored when powering at 3.3V - serial data rate is 38400. However, move to powering via the 5V pad and the baud rate setting is reduced to 9600 as per the setting. The manufacturer is looking into it.

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